
LATERA the art farm

International award for contemporary art

“Latera The Art Farm” promotes the following competition to search for no. 1 international artist who can create an artistic work sculptural and/or installation within the village of Latera.

“Latera the art Farm” acts as a promoter for the artistic redevelopment of the ancient medieval village of Latera in Lazio, a long forgotten village with a strong imprint of depopulation, to make it attractive from a tourist point of view.

The work covered by the tender will be the symbolic work of the “Latera the Art Farm” initiative, e it will be included in the open-air exhibition itinerary within the context of the historic village.

This call gives the opportunity to an international artist to participate in this project, creating an artistic residency lasting approximately 30 days aimed to a deeper knowledge into the territory and its history, foreseeing the design and construction of the work during the abovementioned period of the artist's stay in the Lazio municipality.

Read more in the call for proposals

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To participate in this call for proposals, the artist must fill out the form below from March 5, 2024 to October 4, 2024

For info on the call:

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